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Dianna Epps Horse Traning
Dianna Epps Horse Training



From unruly, spooky, inverted and terrified to stunning amateur friendly show horse. This Andalusian mare has been in training with Dianna Epps in a 2-4 day a week program (depending on her owner's travel schedule) and is now easily ridden and enjoyed by her adult amateur owner in the arena and out on the trails. This mare has also learned to jump and is turning out to be quite talented at the hunters. This transformation was done without the use of force or axillary reins or devices. Clear, honest communication between rider and horse and a systematic approach to teaching the aids creates a reliable, safe and happy horse who also excels in competition.  

From her owner: When I got Aries, she was wildly reactive, completely under muscled and overweight, spooky, and green. In addition, her sensitivity made her extremely unforgiving, especially when it came to the bit. Dianna and Katrina helped me turn the most resistant, mare-ish mare into a balanced, willing mount who now happily pops over fences, ventures down trails, and is starting her first steps of piaffe. Thanks, Capriole, for turning a dragon into a unicorn!

Horse Traine Dianna Epps
Horse Traner Dianna Epps
Show Jumping Trainer Dianna Epps


Show Jumping Trainer Dianna Epps


An incredibly talented jumper mare and a determined JR rider after 1 month of lessons! Teaching this hot, sensitive and strong mare the subtleties involved in the rein aids to teach her a more comfortable posture resulted in DRAMATIC changes in carriage and musculature in just one month.  Look out for these two at local jumper shows as they continue to improve through the use of french classical principles -- not just for Dressage riders!


Testimonial from Paige: Without Capriole Academy I wouldn't be where I am with riding today. I went from no jumping confidence to a big smile going in, and coming out of the ring. I learned a lot about flat work and it's importance for any riding. I own two mares who are both fairly difficult but riding in lessons with Katrina has made them seem so much simpler than I ever thought. They both take larger strides, and stretch. My one thoroughbred was never balanced and now she's much more confident and she carries herself. My warmblood no longer goes around inverted and she takes big nice canter strides and she also carries herself. I love both of my horses and I always have a smile on my face after my rides. I swear my horses do too.


We offer full and partial training for clients in all disciplines and in starting/re-starting horses. We train using French classical principles and do not use force when working with horses. We respect the nature of the horse and therefore develop talented, sound, happy and well educated horses. Training programs include full board and feed.


We are happy to cater a training program specific to your situation.


Capriole Academy's unique holistic approach may be of service to you. Short and long-term programs are available. Our coaches and staff integrate multiple aspects of horse care including:

  • nutrition,

  • hoof care,

  • saddle fit,

  • chiropractic/massage and

  • training in hand and under saddle (or as we prefer to look at it, physio or horse yoga).

  • All programs are specific to the needs of your horse.


FULL TRAINING includes board and a combination of lessons or training rides with head coach Dianna Epps 4-5X/Week 

PARTIAL TRAINING includes board and a combination of lessons or training rides up to 3 days a week with head coach Dianna Epps

We offer starting services for unbroke horses, re-starting for difficult horses and are willing to take on horses with "problems" on a case-by-case basis (rearing/bucking/bolting/spooking etc). 

Barefoot Rehabilitation starts at $850/month and includes boarding and bi-weekly trims and touch-ups as necessary - a recommended exercise program to improve self carriage and balance over the foot also included. 

Holistic Care Programs (Chiro, Massage, Barefoot rehab, physiotherapy, saddle fit etc) are available.




Dianna Epps Dressage Trainer

No animals were harmed in the making of this website
Capriole Academy previously operated as a division of Epona Farms Ltd., a company incorporated by Dianna Epps in 2007 which was dissolved in 2013.  Dianna Epps has also been the registered holder of the sole proprietorship name “Epona Farms” since 1992.  Capriole Academy is in no way associated with the company named Epona Stable and Farms Ltd., which was incorporated in 2014, and which carries on business.



Humane and Fair Treatment

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