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Price List & Details

Lesson Program

This program is designed for beginners through to intermediates and follows Capriole Academy's Passport to Equitation program. From the absolute beginner through to the start of jumping and dressage exercises. Strong horsemanship skills and an appreciation of classical riding and safety are emphasized. High school credits, Equine Canada Rider Levels and Pony Club levels can be achieved through this program. The lesson program is primarily taught by Angie but is also offered by Katrina and Dianna on occasion.


You can download our lesson package HERE and the Passport to Equitation HERE. Please be advised that the Passport to Equitation program is copywrited by Capriole Academy and Dianna Epps.


Please click HERE for pricing

Lease Rates

This program is designed for intermediate riders who would like to improve on their riding skill and begin practicing what they have learned in lessons on their own. We have a wide variety of horses and ponies available for lease.

Dianna Epps Dressage Trainer

No animals were harmed in the making of this website
Capriole Academy previously operated as a division of Epona Farms Ltd., a company incorporated by Dianna Epps in 2007 which was dissolved in 2013.  Dianna Epps has also been the registered holder of the sole proprietorship name “Epona Farms” since 1992.  Capriole Academy is in no way associated with the company named Epona Stable and Farms Ltd., which was incorporated in 2014, and which carries on business.



Humane and Fair Treatment

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